High Sensory People

Welcome to High Sensory People

The High Sensory People Podcast and the High Sensory Tribe with Jane Elizabeth Aston and Elisha May!

We are High Sensory People, which means that like 20-30% of the world’s population, we were born with the genetic trait now referred to as High Sensory Intelligence®. The scientific name of the trait is Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) but it’s commonly known right now as being highly sensitive. We are passionate about raising awareness about the HSP trait and re-framing it from being highly sensitive to High Sensory.

We want to increase our visibility, change how the world sees HSPs, and inspire and empower all HSPs to own their amazing qualities and unique gifts.

Jane and Elisha co-host the High Sensory People Podcast, which you can find on all the usual platforms. There’s a new episode every Thursday! And, they have an online community called the High Sensory Tribe, via might networks, where you can learn more about being HSP and meet others.

We trained to be High Sensory Coaches with Willow McIntosh over at Inluminance. If you are considering being a High Sensory Coach please click here to find out more.

Meet Your Hosts

Jane Elizabeth Aston

I’m a High Sensory Leader, Spiritual Connection Coach and 12 Step HSP.

Please head to my website for more information.

Jane Elizabeth Aston

Elisha May

I’m a High Sensory Leader, Coach, Facilitator and Creative Empath.

For more information please head to my website.

Elisha May

Ram Dass

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can’t be organised or regulated.

Please do contact us with any questions and if you would like to be added to our mailing list.


Carmela N. – Personal Growth and Fulfillment Coach

As a Personal Growth and Fulfillment Coach I work with a lot of HSPs. They are such beautiful souls. But without growing up feeling validated for who they are, they’ve become disconnected from their true selves. I’ve seen so many people light up when they realize that they aren’t broken. And once they have permission to be themselves, their lives start to change. 

Humans have a need to belong, so it’s very important to find a tribe of others who share your beliefs and values and accept who you are. Your self esteem and gifts can’t catalyze without that. 

This podcast can do that for HSPs. From what I’ve listened to so far, it’s an excellent guide for these lost souls to reconnect with themselves. I’ve seen first hand how much impact this podcast can have. My mom called me sobbing with relief knowing that others have shared her struggle and that there’s hope for herself.

Thank you Jane and Elisha for creating this podcast and a safe space for HSPs. I’m recommending it to every HSP that I work with.

Lynne N. – Podcast Listener, HSP & Empath.

I wanted to let you know that I started watching your podcast. I just watched the first episode and I bawled. I sobbed. 
I have never ever felt like I fit anywhere even in my own family. Because I think differently, some family members have called me “stupid” a lot. And I have never felt respected. I have never felt understood. It’s been a pretty painful 65 years of life. When you said that HSPs are High Sensory People and when you actually said High Sensory Intelligence, somehow I felt vindicated. I think I’m highly intelligent. It’s just that everyone calls me stupid and dingy. I can’t even tell you what that one episode meant to me. I just wanted to let you guys know that it changed me somehow. It just changed me. So I thank you for that. I just can’t tell you how good that made me feel. I am grateful for you two. I’m really going to dissect every one of your episodes from here. Thank you for that. It’s literally picked me up. I just wanted you to know.